Электрод сравнения медносульфатный однокамерная стационарная ЭСМ-ОС-SHIK | ТОО «Renaissance SHIK»

Reference electrode copper sulfate single-chamber stationary ESM-OS SHIK

Category: Means of ECP
Reference electrode copper sulfate single-chamber stationary ESM-OS SHIK ЭСМ-ОС SHIK


The copper sulfate reference electrode is designed to provide galvanic contact with the ground when measuring the potential difference between metal underground structures and the ground (protective potentials on metal underground structures). The principle of the copper sulfate reference electrode is based on the redox reaction involving copper and its salts (copper sulfate). ESM-ОS SHIK is not subject to polarization, which means if a current is passed through the electrode, its potential will not change.

The classical scheme of a copper sulfate reference electrode is a copper rod inside a dielectric housing filled with a saturated solution of copper sulfate CuSO4, which is separated from the ground by a porous partition (ion exchange membrane). A solution of copper sulfate seeps through the ion-exchange membrane, moistens it and creates a galvanic contact between the copper rod and the ground through a solution of copper sulfate. The resulting constant potential difference at the "copper – saturated copper sulfate solution" boundary is compared with the potential difference at the "protected object — surrounding soil" boundary using instruments.

1. Контрольно-измерительный пункт (КИП) / Бақылау-өлшеу пункті (КИП) / Control and measuring point (KIP)
2. Проводник (полоса) от трубопровода / Құбырдан өткізгіш (жолақ) / Conductor (strip) from the pipeline
3. Проводник от электрода / Электродтан өткізгіш / Conductor from the electrode
4. Проводник от датчика потенциала / Потенциал сенсорынан өткізгіш / Conductor from the potential sensor
5. Трубопровод / Құбыр / Pipeline
6. Корпус / Корпус / Body
7. Датчик потенциала / Потенциал сенсоры / Potential sensor
8. Ковер / Ковер / Kover
9. Разъем / Қосқыш / Connector
10. Перемычка / Секіргіш / Jumper
11. Клеммное соединение / Терминал байланысы / Terminal connection
12. Ионно-обменная керамическая мембрана / Ион алмасу керамикалық мембранасы / Ion-exchange ceramic membrane