Многоразовая тигель форма МТФ-SHIK | ТОО «Renaissance SHIK»

Reusable Crucible form MTF SHIK

Category: Means of ECP
Reusable Crucible form MTF SHIK


The crucible mold is a product made of refractory material, in the form of a reusable expanding injection mold. MTF SHIK is used in conjunction with a copper thermite mixture. MTF SHIK is designed for welding steel or copper cathode terminals of the EHZ to steel main pipelines with a nominal diameter from Dn50 to Dn1400 and a wall thickness of at least 3.5 mm, strength class up to and including K65, recommended for use in the gas and oil industry during construction, operation and repair.

1 – многоразовая тигель форма / көп реттік тигель пішіні / reusable crucible mold;
2 – термитная смесь / Термит қоспасы / thermite mixture;
3 – вывод ЭХЗ / қорытынды ЭХЗ / EHZ output;
4 – провод вывода ЭХЗ / ЭХЗ шығыс сымы / EHZ output wire;
5 – стена газопровода / газ құбырының қабырғасы / gas pipeline wall;
6 – термоподжиг / термиялық өртеу / thermal ignition