Протектор магниевый ПМ-5У-SHIK | ТОО «Renaissance SHIK»

Magnesium protector packed with activator PM-5U-SHIK

Протектор магниевый ПМ-5 SHIK


Протекторы магниевые ПМ-5 SHIK применяется для защиты от грунтовой коррозии подземных стальных магистральных трубопроводов, емкостей и резервуаров, а также других подземных коммуникационных сетей, стальных конструкций и сооружений.

The use of tread protection is advisable for electrochemical protection of individual sections of pipelines (underground steel tanks) with a high degree of corrosion hazard requiring additional protection, where it is not possible or economically unprofitable to install cathodic protection stations: floodplains; underground passages of pipelines of highways and railways, etc.

The purpose of the tread protection is to reduce the potential of the base material, thereby ensuring its protection from corrosion destruction. For this purpose, a special electrode is attached to the structure — a "sacrificial anode" made of a more active metal relative to the main one. As a result of this connection, the negative impact of corrosion takes over the tread device, thereby increasing the durability of the metal object with which it is connected. Thus, using magnesium protectors with correctly selected parameters, it is possible to protect a 7.5 km long section of metal pipeline from corrosion destruction. Thus, according to the principle of operation, protection with protectors is a variant of cathodic. The difference lies in the fact that an anode earthing device is used in the electrical circuit, which has a more negative electrochemical potential compared to the metal of the protected object.