Высокочастотный преобразователь постоянного тока (ВППТ)-SHIK | ТОО «Renaissance SHIK»

High-frequency DC converter VPPT SHIK

Category: Means of ECP
High-frequency DC converter VPPT-3,0 kW SHIK


Станция катодной защиты ВППТ-3,0 кВт SHIK предназначена для промышленного использования в качестве источника защитного тока в системах катодной защиты подземных металлических сооружений различного назначения от электрохимической (грунтовой) коррозии, контроля параметров катодной защиты и коррозионных процессов в точке дренажа.

Electrochemical protection is a fairly effective way to protect metal structures from electrochemical corrosion. Sometimes it is simply impossible to recreate the paint coating or protective wrapping. It is in such cases that the use of electrochemical protection is appropriate.

Restoration of the covering of a pipeline located underground or the bottom of a marine vessel is a rather laborious and expensive process, and in some cases impossible. Thanks to the electrochemical protection, the product will be reliably protected from corrosion: the coatings of underground pipelines, ship bottoms, and all kinds of tanks will not be destroyed.

Cathodic protection is a method often used to protect metal structures from corrosion. It is used in cases where the metal does not have a tendency to passivation.

The essence of the method is simple: an external electric current is supplied to the product from the negative pole, which provides polarization of the cathode sections of the corrosive components and raises the potential value to the anode ones.

After attaching the positive pole of the current source to the anode, the corrosion of the protected product becomes almost zero.

The anode requires periodic replacement, as its destruction occurs over time.

- The role of an external source of electric current is performed by cathodic protection stations. Their main components are a rectifier, a current supply to the protected object, anode earthing devices, a reference electrode and an anode cable.

- Cathodic protection can be used as an independent or additional method of corrosion protection.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the method is the protective potential. Protective is the potential at which the speed of the corrosion process of a metal product becomes minimal.